PETR SKALKA grew up in a family of musicians in Marienbad (Czech Republic). His first encounter with music came from his father, who was himself a musician and cellist. After studying at the Pilsen Conservatoire, his interest in early music and historical performance practice led him to the highly respected Christoph Coin at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Petr Skalka regularly performs with renowned chamber music ensembles throughout Europe (including Café Zimmermann, La Chambre Philharmonique, the Ensemble Baroque de Limoges, Christophe Coin, Gustav Leonhardt and Amandine Beyer). He has taken part in numerous recordings, which have been honoured with several prestigious prizes (Diapason d’or, Classica’s Five Stars, etc.). Petr Skalka teaches at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (FHNW-Musikakademie der Stadt Basel) in Switzerland.
Petr Skalka and his family have been living in West Bohemia.
"I can't remember a cellist who has so definitively conquered the challenges of this gut-stringed instrument, played it with such richly satisfying tone and scrupulous intonation, and drawn such rapt and haunting inwardness from the slow movement. Skalka took an inventive and engaging occasional piece and uncovered profound beauty in it."
"...le violoncelle grainé et félin de Petr Skalka, qui exulte d'ailleurs dans le Concerto pour violoncelle faisant montre d'un archet vigoureux et assertif, jouant avec les harmoniques, variant à l'envi les articulations."
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